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[UEH Sharing - Career Fair 2024] A Seminar and Workshop Series Sharing and Spreading Multidisciplinary Knowledge To Businesses and Leaders

[UEH Sharing - Career Fair 2024] A Seminar and Workshop Series Sharing and Spreading Multidisciplinary Knowledge To Businesses and Leaders

Within the framework of the UEH SHARING - CAREER FAIR 2024, from March 25 - 31, 2024, University of Economics  Ho Chi Minh City(UEH) organized a seminar series to share and spread multidisciplinary knowledge to businesses and leaders with the theme of integrating technology into art in modern business activities and aiming for sustainable development of businesses in the future.

Workshop on "Human Interaction - Artificial Intelligence - ArtTech"

On the afternoon of March 26, 2024, at B1.205 - Campus B, University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City, the workshop on "Human Interaction - Artificial Intelligence - ArtTech" took place with two topics on "ArtTech: The intersection of technology - art towards a better life" and “Interaction between human resources and artificial intelligence" presented by Associate Professor Trinh Thuy Anh - Vice Principal of UEH College of Technology and Design and Associate Professor Nguyen Huu Huan - Head of Financial Market, School of Banking, UEH College of Business.

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Associate Professor Trinh Thuy Anh presenting the topic "ArtTech: The intersection of technology - art towards a better life"

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Associate Professor Nguyen Huu Huan presenting the topic "Interaction between human resources and artificial intelligence"

In today's digital technology era, human resources and artificial intelligence gradually become two important and inseparable factors in business operations and human resource management. The combination of humans and smart technology not only opens up new opportunities but also poses significant challenges. The workshop on "Human Interaction - Artificial Intelligence - ArtTech" brought useful information about the development potential of this field and the applications of technology in various fields and industries. Through this, we can see the latest trends in the technological revolution and the widespread coverage of AI and ArtTech today, which helps businesses proactively grasp and know how to take advantage of the power of human interaction, artificial intelligence (AI), and art technology (ArtTech) in modern business operations.

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Workshop "Voluntary carbon market - Opportunities and challenges for Vietnamese businesses"

Carbon markets are an important economic tool in promoting the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and combating climate change. The carbon market is divided into two types: Mandatory market (whose product is greenhouse gas emission quotas) and Voluntary market (whose product is carbon credits). Voluntary carbon markets allow individuals and organizations to buy and sell carbon credits to offset excess or unavoidable carbon emissions on a voluntary basis. Voluntary carbon markets create an effective mechanism to help accelerate actions to tackle climate change globally. Demands for carbon credits in voluntary carbon markets have increased significantly in recent years as many businesses pursue social and environmental responsibility goals.

As a topic that attracts the attention of many businesses, the workshop "Voluntary carbon market - Opportunities and challenges for Vietnamese businesses" was held on the afternoon of March 28, 2024 at Campus B University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City with presentations by two speakers, Dr. Nguyen Thi Tuyet Nhung - School of Economics, UEH College of Economics, Law and Government and Mr. Hoang Le Nam Hai - Institute of Smart Cities and Management, UEH College of Technology and Design.

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The presentation by Dr. Nguyen Thi Tuyet Nhung

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The presentation by Mr. Hoang Le Nam Hai

The workshop "Voluntary carbon market - Opportunities and challenges for Vietnamese businesses" brought necessary information to managers and business leaders about the voluntary carbon market, along with important contributions to the construction and implementation of the voluntary carbon market for Vietnamese businesses. Business representatives were involved in intensive discussions and exchanges about the carbon market with experts in the field to orient the pilot implementation and operation of the carbon market to contribute to the sustainable development of Vietnam.

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The seminar and workshop series for domestic and foreign businesses and organizations is a great opportunity for leaders to exchange experiences and learn from leading experts in the field. Hopefully, this seminar and workshop series will be valuable to leaders and contribute to the sustainable development of organizations and businesses in the future.


The Workshops on "Human Interaction - Artificial Intelligence - ArtTech" and "Voluntary carbon market - Opportunities and challenges for Vietnamese businesses" are activities designed specifically for businesses in the UEH SHARING - CAREER FAIR 2024 taking place from March 25 to 31, 2024. With the goal of "Acting for a More Sustainable Future", the program is a place to connect the business community to exercise social responsibility, spread multidisciplinary knowledge values, and provide more than 5,000 high-quality job opportunities for a sustainable future. The series is organized by the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City in a combination of live format at UEH Nguyen Tri Phuong Campus and online platforms on event.sbdweb.com and vieclam.sbdweb.com.

News and photos: Department of Marketing and Communication